How to position a 2-seater garden bench in your outdoor space

If you know you want a 2-seater garden bench in your garden but you’re not sure where best to put it, then in this article, the Lazy Susan team are sharing their insight on some of the best places...

For us, the best location for a 2-seater metal garden bench is one that draws you outside, provides a comfortable and relaxing spot, and is positioned to best take in the beauty and tranquillity of your outdoor space.

To help you find that sweet spot, there are several factors you can consider to determine the best place to put a bench.

We’ve compiled some helpful pointers to help you find the right location, and we’ve listed some of our favourite places to put a bench.

How to choose the best position for your garden bench?

Of course, as we said in our recently published complete guide to garden benches, the best position for a garden bench often comes down to personal preference and the layout of your garden.

Sometimes that space is obvious, such as an opening in your planting scheme or an under-utilised corner. Often you have a couple of potential spots, so picking the best one can be tricky

The first thing we would say before you buy, is to carefully measure, especially if you’re working in a small space. Check the bench will fit and make sure the space still functions the way you want it to once it’s in place

Once you’ve got your new bench, don’t be afraid to experiment too - move it to a few different spots and see which one you like best.

In a larger plot, you can try out different locations before you commit and see which one clicks.

In smaller gardens or on a balcony options might be limited, but even subtle movements such as moving it a few centimetres from a wall can have a dramatic impact.

Try and work with the layout of the space, think about how you like to or want to use it, and consider the following elements to help you establish the best location:

1. View

How to choose the best position for your garden bench?

If you’re lucky enough to have a great view from anywhere on your property, then it makes sense to take advantage and position a metal garden bench to make the most of it.

Alternatively, pick a spot that makes the most of what you’ve got in your outdoor space such as flowers, trees, or a water feature.

Consider any desirable views or features in and around your garden.

Do you want to face the garden, the landscape beyond or look back at your property from the bottom of your garden?

It could even be that you place the bench at the side or front of the property to take advantage of an alternative view.

Ensure that the bench is positioned to provide the best view and complement the surroundings.

2. Privacy

How to choose the best position for your garden bench?

Privacy is often an overlooked aspect of good garden design but we think it is critical so that you can create space where you can relax, unwind, and enjoy your garden without feeling exposed to the elements or overlooked by neighbours.

If you want a private space for your bench, then look at placing it near large hedges, walls, or trees to provide a secluded and cosy spot.

Look at the neighbouring properties and position so that you’re away from windows.

Utilise garden structures such as a pergola or plant structural planting to provide greater privacy if necessary.

You want to enjoy your outdoor space without feeling self-conscious but increased privacy will also reduce noise from neighbouring properties or nearby roads.

A garden is best when the design becomes an extension of your home, and added privacy will allow you to relax as you can inside, without feeling like you’re being watched.

3. Accessibility

How to choose the best position for your garden bench?

You must position the bench so that it is easily accessible and not obstructing any access points, paths or walkways.

Safe movement within a garden is crucial to prevent accidents, injuries and falls. It is particularly important for those of us with younger children/grandchildren or older adults who may be at a higher risk of accidents.

Think about the bench's proximity to other garden features or areas that you frequently use, such as the main patio, BBQ area, or garden shed, for example.

Look at how you currently move around the space and think about the accessibility of the bench from the main house.

For example, if you plan to use it as a quiet reading spot, can you easily walk to the location with a cup of tea?

4. Weather Resistance

How to choose the best position for your garden bench?

The material the bench is made from can also have a significant impact on picking the best place to put it.

If your garden is open and exposed to the elements, then you might need a bench with some weight or secure it in place to protect it from high winds.

If your bench isn't weather-resistant or requires regular maintenance like a painted cast iron garden bench to keep it protected, then you might want to consider placing it in a covered area or under a tree to offer it some protection from the sun, rain and wind.

If the location receives direct sunlight for most of the day, then it might be better to look for a spot with better shade or to add some.

Our cast aluminium is designed to be left outside in all weather with little to no maintenance but it is worth considering if that spot is right for the material.

5. Functionality

How to choose the best position for your garden bench?

How you use or plan to use your bench is also a key factor worth considering when picking a location.

Think about how you plan to use the bench – whether it's for enjoying a morning coffee, reading a book, or socialising with a friend.

Look to find a position that suits your intended purpose and is comfortable for you to spend time at.

The right spot should also enhance its functionality and make it more convenient for your intended use.

For example, if you want to use your bench when gardening, placing it next to a shed or greenhouse is a logical location for you to take 5.

Considering your specific needs and preferences when picking a spot will ensure that the area you create is functional, comfortable, private, and safe.

6. Space

How to choose the best position for your garden bench?

Carefully assess the available space where you would like to put the garden bench.

Measure the space and check the dimensions of the bench to ensure it will fit comfortably.

You want to make sure that when in place the space is still safe to access, move around, etc.

Factor in any existing structures or features such as any doors, steps, walls, trees, etc.

Measuring before you buy or move an existing bench to a new location will ensure that you make an informed purchase and/or put it in a spot that works with your garden's size, functionality, design, and accessibility.

You want to achieve good scale and proportion. It should fit comfortably in the designated area without being too big or too small.

Assess the space to see if the bench proportionally fits with your garden's overall design and flows well with the surrounding elements.

7. Sunlight

How to choose the best position for your garden bench?

The sun not only has a big impact on the planting we put in our gardens but the aspect can also help us choose the right place to put our furniture too.

For example, if you have a south-facing garden in the UK, it will generally get sunlight all day. In your back garden, it will rise to the left and set to the right, so in the evening the sun will be on the right.

Obviously, you have to factor in other things that will block the sun such as trees or neighbours' houses, etc.

Look at the sun's movement throughout the day to determine if you want your furniture in a spot with full sun, partial shade, or full shade.

This will help you decide whether to place the furniture near a tree, use a pergola, or opt for a parasol to provide shade if you want it.

It could even be that you place the bench at the side or front of your property to take advantage of the rising morning or setting evening sun.

8. Climate

How to choose the best position for your garden bench?

It is not just the sun that we need to think about when picking the best location, the climate itself is worth considering.

In the UK we can see it all, often in one day, but certain parts of the country will see more rain than others, for example.

The microclimate in our own gardens can also vary dramatically based on factors such as; Topography, Sun Exposure, Wind Patterns, Proximity to Water, Vegetation, Buildings, Structures, Soil Composition, and probably some more we can’t think of.

Think about the climate in your garden and the weather conditions of your location. Which parts of your outdoor space get the most sun, which is sheltered from cold winds, etc?

It could be that your garden is open to the elements, in which case you might want to put the furniture in a more sheltered part or add planting or a structure to create better protection.

9. Personal Preference

How to choose the best position for your garden bench?

Even factoring all of the above in, it often comes down to your personal preference and the style or design scheme in your garden.

You ultimately need to choose a location that looks good, feels inviting and will get the most use.

10. Aesthetics

How to choose the best position for your garden bench?

Design is subjective. What we think looks good, you might not. But there’s no right and wrong. Just think about where you think it looks good.

Work with the surrounding landscape, plants, and existing features in your garden.

Thinks about how the furniture will interact with its surroundings and complement the overall design scheme.

To us, a garden bench is a functional piece of furniture, however, many people just purchase it because it looks good or creates a good focal point.

We wouldn’t recommend style over substance but the best location definitely has to look great. We just think our benches should be used and enjoyed, so it helps if they function great too.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different locations and try to keep in mind the overall ‘flow’ of the space.

Lazy Susan’s top 10 places to put two-seater garden benches

Whilst the above will help you decide on the right spot, sometimes a little inspiration is the best way to help.

We’ve utilised our customer photos throughout this article and we’ve used them to compile some of our personal favourite spots in the garden for our 2-seater garden benches to go:

1. Sea view

Lazy Susan’s top 10 places to put two-seater garden benches

If you’ve got a sea view, then first off we’re incredibly jealous, but second, a garden bench is the perfect piece of furniture to take it in.

A view of the sea is the perfect spot to put a bench. It provides a serene and relaxing setting, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful scenery and hear the calming sounds of the waves.

The perfect place to unwind, read a book, grab a cup of tea, or simply enjoy the peacefulness of the sea.

What’s better than a comfortable bench and a light sea breeze?

2. Countryside view

Lazy Susan’s top 10 places to put two-seater garden benches

Same as the previous, a good view of the countryside is a fantastic spot to put your garden bench.

Any scenic location will allow you to enjoy the beauty of nature around your home while sitting and relaxing on your bench.

Whether it's rolling hills, vast open fields, a serene pond, or a countryside forest, you can create a peaceful ambience that enhances your bench experience.

It provides an opportunity to connect with nature, enjoy the fresh air, and appreciate the wider surrounding area around your property.

3. Under a tree

Lazy Susan’s top 10 places to put two-seater garden benches

We see this often from customers and under a tree is an absolutely wonderful spot for a bench, especially on a sunny day, providing a cool and shady spot to relax.

However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind, as while a tree is great for shade, you will get falling debris such as leaves, twigs, and maybe tree sap, which will create additional cleaning and maintenance.

You also need to be careful with the placement under a tree by making sure that the bench is not placed on top of the roots as this can harm them.

The roots can grow quite close to the surface with a lot of trees, so it is essential you evaluate the area and position the bench accordingly.

That said, with a little caution, placing a bench under a tree is a favourite location of ours.

4. Under a pergola or gazebo

Lazy Susan’s top 10 places to put two-seater garden benches

Placing a garden bench or any type of patio furniture under a pergola or gazebo is another wonderful location that will give you protection from Mother Nature and a comfortable seating area for you to relax.

They provide shade and protection from the sun and rain but they also add architectural interest to your outdoor space.

Many modern pergolas and gazebos have open sides or lattice walls that can be planted with climbers or vines to create additional shade and privacy.

By placing a bench underneath you’re essentially creating an outdoor living room and the perfect place to sit with a book in the morning or have a glass of wine in the evening.

5. Next to a water feature

Lazy Susan’s top 10 places to put two-seater garden benches

If a bench is all about taking a quick break and finding some time to catch our breath then adding in the sound of water flowing will guarantee relaxation.

Placing a bench next to a pond, fountain, or water feature is the perfect place to enjoy the peace and quiet of your garden space.

Again, as with the base of a tree, just make sure that the bench is placed on a stable and level surface, and keep it a sensible distance from the water itself for comfort and safety.

6. Next to your garden dining table

Lazy Susan’s top 10 places to put two-seater garden benches

Whilst we often purchase a bench to create a seating area, they also function as additional seating if the need arises.

The great thing about the Lazy Susan range is that our benches are designed to coordinate with our garden table sets - The dimensions of our tables and benches are all fully compatible.

In fact, with many of our sets, you can add a bench as a special offer bundle deal at checkout with savings of up to 50%.

Whilst cast aluminium is sturdy and weather resistant, it is not as heavy as some materials so our benches can be easily picked up by two people to move.

7. In a flower bed

Lazy Susan’s top 10 places to put two-seater garden benches

Surrounded by beautiful planting, a bench in a flower bed is a great year-round place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.

The bench itself will add visual interest and create a focal point but it can also be a great place to sit and relax while enjoying the fruits of your labour.

Choose a bench that is the right size for your space and that’s made of a material that is durable to withstand slightly damper conditions.

Prepare the area for the bench by removing any weeds or debris and make sure you can access the bench without having to step into the bed itself. A great way to do this is with paving stones or a layer of gravel or sand to improve drainage.

Place the bench in the desired location, make sure it is on a firm surface, sitting level and plant up and around it.

8. On your lawn

Lazy Susan’s top 10 places to put two-seater garden benches

By putting a bench on a lawn you can damage the grass but don’t let that put you off. It is, with a little caution, a great place to put it in the summer.

You don’t want a bench too heavy as that could crush the grass and leave indentations in your lawn.

We would also recommend that you move the bench about a bit so that you don’t block out sunlight and water in one place for too long.

Our Can garden furniture go on grass? article has all the advice you need to do this, with some great tips on how to prep and protect it from damage.

9. In a quiet corner at the bottom of your garden

Lazy Susan’s top 10 places to put two-seater garden benches

This is a subject we have just covered in our How to create a quiet corner in your garden article but it is one of the best ways to utilise a bench.

If you can, you want a corner that is sheltered and away from the hustle and bustle of the house itself.

You can add privacy by adding structural planting such as trees, shrubs or tall grasses.

A quiet corner is the perfect location to relax and unwind in different parts of your garden that are away from the house and the main patio can then be utilised for entertaining.

10. At the front of your property

Lazy Susan’s top 10 places to put two-seater garden benches

Who says a bench has to go in the back garden? You can also put them at the side or, a particular favourite of ours is at the front of your property.

In fact, it is a common practice in many countries to have seating at the front. It’s a great way to add curb appeal and create a welcoming atmosphere.

By a door is always a popular choice as it creates the perfect spot to sit down and take off any muddy footwear.

It could even be that the view is just better out the front or that is where the sun sets in the evening or rises in the morning.

No matter where you choose to place your garden bench, just make sure it is in a spot where you can relax and enjoy the beauty of your garden.

Shop our extensive range of Garden Benches - They're elegant, have a timeless design, offer ultimate comfort and have unmatched style. 

Constructed from sustainable grade aluminium, it can be left outdoors in all weather, and we have larger benches and smaller two-seater garden benches that are perfect for smaller spaces. 

Have a look in our shop and we're sure you'll find the ideal garden bench for your immediate enjoyment.

If you have any photos of your 2-seater metal garden bench, we’d love to see a few for our Do Some Good charity campaign. You can tag us @LazySusanFurniture on Instagram or Facebook or Upload Here.

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